
Polyonoms – An Introduction

Short on time? See the current full list of polyonoms at https://polyonom.com 

Polyonoms are what might be described as “pre-neologisms” (aka new words). 

Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the term. Polyonoms only came into being in 2023. 

Unlike neologisms, polyonoms are novel creations that initial search engine queries return as “nil results”. 

Here are 10 ways that polyonoms might be used….. 

Expressiveness: Polyonoms provide for the expression of new concepts and ideas that may not have existing words, enhancing language’s capacity to communicate effectively. 

Innovation: Creating new polyonoms can foster innovation and adaptability in language, reflecting societal changes and technological advancements. 

Cultural Evolution: Polyonoms can help contribute to the evolution of language, reflecting shifts in culture, trends, and social dynamics. 

Creativity: The process of inventing Polyonoms encourages linguistic creativity and experimentation, allowing for a dynamic language landscape. 

Efficiency: Polyonoms can provide concise and efficient ways to convey complex ideas or emotions, saving linguistic resources 

Specialised Communication: They enable specialised groups or communities to develop their own lexicons, facilitating precise communication within those contexts. 

Adapting to Change: Polyonoms help in adapting to the rapidly changing environments by integrating new terms that reflect contemporary experiences. 

Globalisation: In an increasingly connected world, polyonoms can bridge language gaps and convey universal concepts, fostering cross-cultural understanding. 

Artistic Expression: Authors and artists may use polyonoms for artistic expression, adding richness and depth to literary and other froms of artistic expression. 

Dynamic Language Growth: Polyonoms can contribute to the dynamic growth of languages, preventing stagnation and ensuring linguistic relevance. 

Hopefully this has given you and insight into “polyonoms” and, perhaps, has given you inspiration to start creating your own. Thank you for your time and entertaining the concept of polyonoms. 

Chris / @polyonom.com I am releasing the video above as “Mimicalism Invited” – it’s my take on (and complementary to Creative Commons with Attribution). 

It’s my positive invitation to you to use any or all of this video in your own creations – on the understanding that you’ll add a link back here or to https://polyonom.com 

It’s what I call attropiation – see https://polyonom.com/attropiation 


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