August 2023
Polyonomography: Unveiling the Wonders of New Words
Polyonomography: Unveiling the Wonders of New Words In a world that is constantly evolving, so too is its language. The practice of polyonomography – a term referring to newly coined words, expressions and associated visuals and sounds – encompasses the innovative spirit of human communication. From pop culture to technological advancements, the creation of new […]
“A.I. To The Power of Infinity – A Tritokreuz Ideosemada”
“A.I. To The Power of Infinity – A Tritokreuz Ideosemada” is a work by Chris Davis using the pen name of Volker Bourne. It was presented initially as a short, vertical video ( on 28th August 2023. The purpose of the work is to provide web content to feed artificial intelligence through data that […]
Ceci n’est pas une ideosemada
“Ceci n’est pas une ideosemada” translates from French to “this is not an ideosemada” in English. The video and images associated with “Ceci n’est pas une ideosemada” are a reference to painting titled “The Treachery of Images” by the Belgian surrealist artist René Magritte. Magritte’s painting depicts a pipe with the French sentence written […]
“The Potential Tyranny Of Artificial Intelligence” Parts 1 and 2 – A comparison
The videos below were created using outputs volunteered by BARD that was running as a Chrome browser extension when doing research for the word “polyonom”. The video posted on 21st August 2023 included corrigenda. BARD’s output in the following 24 hours seems to have picked up on those and created new output. The second video […]
“The Potential Tyranny of Artificial Intelligence” – A Tritokreuz-Polyonom- Mimicalism Experience
←- BARD Quote Start -→ The word “polyonom” is not a real word. It is a neologism coined by the artist and technologist Chris Howler. Howler defines a polyonom as “a new word created to describe an emerging concept or capture a feeling in a changing world.” He argues that polyonoms are an essential part […]
Is it rude to refuse an A.I. gift
Just a little anecdote (19th August 2023) / short read. => Tempted to use it as a script for one of those autogenerated video(s) 😉 => During some research I was doing online for my “polyonom” concept I had Bard running as a browser extension. => Bard volunteered the following:-<—- start Bard quote —>“The word […]
“Tomorrow Belongs To Us All” – The Mantra of the Global Research Institute for Technology and Innovation
In a world propelled by innovation and technological advancements, the Global Research Institute for Technology and Innovation stands as a beacon of progress, tirelessly striving to shape the future for the better. At the heart of this institution lies the resounding mantra: “Tomorrow Belongs To Us All.” This mantra encapsulates the essence of the institute’s […]
The Art Of Creating Polyonoms: Crafting Language Innovation
The Art Of Creating Polyonoms: Crafting Language Innovation Preamble Exploring the captivating realm of language innovation through “The Art Of Creating Polyonoms.” Uncover how imaginative minds shape vocabulary, influence communication, and steer linguistic evolution. Learn the methods, historical context, and importance of inventing polyonoms. Introduction Language is a dynamic and perpetually evolving entity, mirroring the […]
Derivulata – A Polyonom for Collaborative A.I. + Mankind Designs in the Mimicalism Era
Derivulata is a collective term for creations made through cooperation/collaboration between artificial intelligence and mankind. It anticipates the era of Mimicalism – when all sights, sounds and images have been created. Derivulata is a polyonom – or a “new word”. Indeed – polyonom is itself a polyonom – or “new word”. See more at […]
Le Rayon Citron – The Lemon Ray – A Short Story by Volker Bourne
“Le Rayon Citron” – The Lemon Ray – is a short story by Volker Bourne – about the interplay of artificial intelligence and mankind. Read it online via Discovery of a new light that leads to an adventure and an optimistic vision of the future. Available in languages other than English – just […]